About Us

Learn About Our Mission

To promote the bed & breakfast and boutique inn experience to the traveling public, and to educate, support and encourage CABBI members to provide a quality stay for inn travelers.


The California Association of Boutique & Breakfast Inns (CABBI) is the largest and most influential bed & breakfast and boutique inn association in the nation and is the only California bed & breakfast association affiliated with both the California Hotel & Lodging Association and the American Hotel & Lodging Association. CABBI’s history of service to California’s inn travelers and the industry reaches back to 1991, when CABBI was formed to promote the bed and breakfast experience to the traveling public and to educate, support, and encourage CABBI members to provide a quality stay for inn travelers.

CABBI’s highly esteemed family of over 200 bed & breakfast inns is popular with discerning travelers who are looking for a very personal and unique experience. CABBI’s criteria and standards for membership set the stage for unparalleled success as an organization, making CABBI the most frequented association of its type in the nation. In essence, our Golden State family of inns absolutely insists on offering the traveling public the very best.

The birth and unparalleled development of CABBI came about from the consolidation of several splinter volunteer-run groups into a professionally managed trade association that represented the inns for the entire state. CABBI is an answer to a host of needs expressed by the traveling public and independent innkeepers alike.

In this birth of CABBI, uppermost in the minds of the California innkeepers was the need for a cohesive organization that could promote the bed and breakfast experience to the traveling public and to educate, support, and encourage CABBI members to provide a quality stay for inn travelers as well as impact legislative decisions that affected the bed & breakfast inn industry. The innkeepers also desired group services at affordable prices and the need for inn-to-inn networking, education about innkeeping, and a collective way to publicize individual bed & breakfast inns. Then there was the coming of the internet – a very foreign concept to most innkeepers at that time. CABBI was designed to meet these needs.

In 2007, CABBI formed a partnership with the California Hotel & Lodging Association (CHLA) to couple the benefits provided to CHLA’s membership and national representation served by CHLA’s affiliation with the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA). Representing some 10,000 property members nationwide, accounting for more than 1.4 million guest rooms, AHLA is headquartered in Washington, D.C. and it provides advocacy on Capitol Hill, public relations and image management, education, research and information, and other services to ensure a positive business climate for the U.S. lodging industry.

Today CABBI remains true to the original mission to promote the bed and breakfast experience to the traveling public and to educate, support, and encourage CABBI members to provide a quality stay for inn travelers.

Need a B&B? California cannot wait to have you on your next vacation! Check out our travel blog for some inspiration for what to do!